BodyZone Massage Therapy & Wellness Centre
Sports Injuries, Aches & Pains, Relaxation Massage

About BodyZone
About BodyZone
♡Improving Relaxation & Wellbeing♡
♡Improving Relaxation & Wellbeing♡
About BodyZone MassageTherapy & Wellness Centre:-
Hello my name is Emma I have 20 years sports injury and holistic massage experience. I have had my business since 2009.
I offer different types of Massage:-
Sports, Deep Tissue, Relaxation Holistic Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, Hotstones, Pregnancy, Facial & Scalp Massage. Pamper parties, on-site massage within the work place. I rent a room in a local hair salon called The Coloroom's Hairdressers in Grantham.
Treatment to meet all needs:-
Uses a variety of classic massage strokes, together with relaxation and deep tissue techniques. It works on the body's soft tissues, muscles, tendons & fascia, reducing the risk of injury & improving flexibility. Helps to remove stress, tension and aches and pains of every day life. This encourages relaxation, balance & helps to detox the body.
Treatments for:
♡Sports injuries
♡Stress & Tension
♡Muscular Pain
♡Head, Neck, shoulder Aches & Pains
♡Migraine & Sciatica Problems
♡Tiredness, Soreness, Stiffness
♡Circulation Problems
♡Pre & Post events massage
For relaxation & detoxifying the body:-
♡Aromatherapy massage
♡Relaxing facial & facial pressure points
♡Scalp massage
♡Foot exfoliation & massage
♡Pamper packages
Sports Clubs/Associations /Corporate on-site employee massage rates available.
During Lockdown I have been offering advice & helping clients improve relaxation & wellbeing.
Support group:-
Anxiety - Help Improve Relaxation & Wellbeing:-
I have been reading alot on social media how people are suffering with anxiety, stress & finding it hard to relax & sleep. I really want to help if I can so thought I would start a support group on Facebook & I have over 350 followers:-
I also suffer with anxiety & has been bad at times over the yrs but was under control. With COVID-19 it has increased.
I set up this group & share some of the things that help me. I also use my skills, work & techniques such as:-
☆breathing technique
☆self massage routines
☆helpful tips for improving relaxation & promote better sleep
☆aromatherapy blends
☆And much more
I just want to help others & offer one on one advice.
Many thanks Emma 💚🦋🌈
#wellbeing #wellness #healthylifestyle #mentalhealth #anxiety #supporteachother #learntorelax #anxietyhelp #postivethoughts #believeinyourself #healthyliving #postivethinking #beliveinyourself #massagetherapist #holistichealth #holisticwellness, #relaxation #stressrelief #massagetherapy, #sportsmassage, #aromatherapy, #meditation, #breathingtechniquesforstress, #improvehealth #improverelaxtionick this text to start editing.

Gentle execise can help to improve wellbeing ♡
Gentle execise can help to improve wellbeing ♡
23rd of February 2021
♡ Hello Everyone ♡
Being active :-
Exercise can help to lower depression & anxiety & promotes wellbeing.
This can be going for a walk - slower-paced activities, can have the benefit of encouraging social interactions as well providing some level of exercise.
Try doing some light exercise:
♡Go for a walk & somewhere that you haven't been before.
♡Walk with a friend social distancing so you can ‘connect’ as well as doing some exercise.
♡Have a kick-about in your garden with your family.
♡Do some ‘easy exercise’, like stretching, pilates, yoga
before you start your day.
Emma ♡
#supporteachother #keepactive #loweranxiety #selfcare #selflovematters #wellness #beliveinyourself #takeonestepatatime

Walking helps improve wellbeing ♡
Walking helps improve wellbeing ♡
Hello Everyone 👋
I took this lovely photo when I went for a walk the other week.
When you next go out for your daily walk why don't you try a nice breathing technique.
Once you are outside in the fresh air, take a deep breathe in through your nose the slowly release out through your mouth. Repeat this 3 times. Will only take a couple of minutes, its amazing how brilliant & relaxed it makes you feel.
Have a lovely walk 👍😊
Emma ♡

Benefit Of Positive Thinking ♡
Benefit Of Positive Thinking ♡
🌞 Hello Sunday 🌞 Positive Thinking 🌞
Benefits of positive thinking:-
*Lowers anxiety.
*Lowers depression.
*Lowers stress levels.
*Improves psychological & physical well-being
*Improves health.
*Helps us cope better in stressful situations.
*Helps to set us up for the rest of the day with a more happy, positive outlook.
Positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand & ignore life's less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive & productive way. You think the best is going to happen & not the worst.
Positive Daily Affirmations:-
♡I put my energy into things that matter to me.
♡I trust myself to make the right decision.
♡I give myself the care & attention that I deserve.
♡I listen to my intuition & trust my inner self.
♡I am grateful to have people in my life that care about me.
Have a lovely day 😊
Emma ♡
#positivethinking #positivemindset #positivethoughts #peacfulplace #anxietytechniques #believeinyourself #wellbeing #wellness #healthylifestyle #stressrelief #selfcare #selflovematters #mentalhealth #holisticwellness